utorak, 26. srpnja 2016.

Objavljen popis 45 uglednika iz katoličkog svijeta koji su javno kritizirali papinu pobudnicu „Amoris Laetitia“

Potpisnici dokumenta u kojem se iznose oštre kritike apostolske pobudnice „Amoris laetitia“, koji je sastavilo 45 uglednih teologa, filozofa, povjesničara i pastira duša, nisu više anonimni. Njihov popis nije bio odmah objavljen u javnosti jer je inicijativa bila povjerljiva i izravno upućena kardinalu Angelu Sodanu, dekanu Kardinalskog zbora i 218 kardinala i patrijarha. Potpisnici zahtijevaju od kardinala, u njihovoj ulozi službenih Papinih savjetnika, „da Svetom Ocu prenesu zahtjev da odbaci zablude koje se nalaze u dokumentu na definitivan i konačan način i da sa svojim autoritetom izjavi da nije nužno da vjernici vjeruju u ono što tvrdi Amoris laetitia“. Dokument od 13 stranica još nije objavljen, a popis potpisnika pojavio se 22. srpnja na National Catholic Reporter, odakle ga preuzimamo.

Dr. Jose Tomas Alvarado
Associate Professor
Institute of Philosophy, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

Rev. Fr. Scott Anthony Armstrong PhD
Brisbane Oratory in formation

Rev. Claude Barthe

Rev. Ray Blake
Parish priest of the diocese of Arundel and Brighton

Fr. Louis-Marie de Blignieres FSVF
Doctor of Philosophy

Dr. Philip Blosser
Professor of Philosophy
Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Archdiocese of Detroit

Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro Carambula, STD, JD
Chaplain and Faculty Member of the Roman Forum

Rev. Fr. Thomas Crean OP, STD
Holy Cross parish, Leicester

Fr. Albert-Marie Crignion FSVF
Doctor designatus of Theology

Roberto de Mattei
Professor of History of Christianity, European University of Rome

Cyrille Dounot JCL
Professor of Law, the University of Auvergne
Ecclesiastical advocate, archdiocese of Lyon

Fr. Neil Feguson OP, MA, BD
Lecturer in sacred Scripture, Blackfriars Hall, University of Oxford

Dr. Alan Fimister STL, PhD
Assistant Professor of Theology, St. John Vianney Seminary, archdiocese of Denver

Luke Gormally
Director Emeritus, The Linacre Centre for Healthcare Ethics
Sometime Research Professor, Ave Maria School of Law, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Ordinary Member, The Pontifical Academy for Life

Carlos A. Casanova Guerra
Doctor of Philosophy, Full Professor of Universidad Santo Tomas de Chile

Rev. Brian W. Harrison OS, MA, STD
Associate Professor of Theology (retired), Pontifical University of Puerto Rico; Scholar-in-Residence, Oblates of Wisdom Study Center, St. Louis, Missouri; Chaplain, St. Mary of Victories Chapel, St. Louis, Missouri

Rev. Simon Henry BA (Hons), MA
Parish priest of the archdiocese of Liverpool

Rev. John Hunwicke
Former Senior Research Fellow, Pusey House, Oxford; Priest of the Ordinariate of Our Lady ofWalsingham

Peter A. Kwasniewski PhD, Philosophy
Professor, Wyoming Catholic College

Dr. John R.T. Lamont STL, D.Phil

Fr. Serafino M. Lanzetta, PhD
Lecturer in Dogmatic Theology, Theological Faculty of Lugano, Switzerland
Priest in charge of St. Mary's, Gosport, in the diocese of Portsmouth

Dr. Anthony McCarthy
Visiting Lecturer in Moral Philosophy at the International Theological Institute, Austria

Rev. Stephen Morgan D.Phil (Oxon)
Lecturer & Tutor in Theology, Maryvale Higher Institute of Religious Sciences

Don Alfredo Morselli STL
Parish priest of the archdiocese of Bologna

Rev. Richard A. Munkelt PhD
Chaplain and Faculty Member, Roman Forum

Fr. Aidan Nichols OP, PhD
Formerly John Paul II Lecturer in Roman Catholic Theology, University of Oxford
Prior of the Convent of St. Michael, Cambridge

Fr. Robert Nortz MMA, STL
Director of Studies, Monastery of the Most Holy Trinity, Massachusetts (Maronite)

Rev. John Osman MA, STL
Parish priest in the archdiocese of Birmingham, former Catholic chaplain to the University of Cambridge

Christopher D. Owens STL (Cand.)
Adjunct Instructor, Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, St. John's University (NYC)
Director, St. Albert the Great Center for Scholastic Studies

Rev. David Palmer MA
Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham
Chair of Marriage and Family Life Commission, Diocese of Nottingham

Dr. Paolo Pasqualucci
Professor of Philosophy (retired), University of Perugia

Dr. Claudio Pierantoni
Professor of Medieval Philosophy in the Philosophy Faculty of the University of Chile
Former Professor of Church History and Patrology at the Faculty of Theology of the PontificiaUniversidad Catolica de Chile
Member of the International Association of Patristic Studies

Fr. Anthony Pillari JCL (Cand.)
Priest of the archdiocese of San Antonio, chaplain to Carmelite nuns

Prof. Enrico Maria Radaelli
International Science and Commonsense Association (ISCA)
Department of Metaphysics of Beauty and Philosophy of Arts, Research Director

Dr. John C. Rao D.Phil (Oxford)
Associate Professor of History, St. John's University (NYC)
Chairman, Roman Forum

Fr. Reginald-Marie Rivoire FSVF
Doctor designatus of canon law

Rt. Rev. Giovanni Scalese CRSP, SThL, DPhil
Ordinary of Afghanistan

Dr. Joseph Shaw
Fellow and Tutor in Philosophy at St. Benet's Hall, Oxford University

Dr. Anna M. Silvas FAHA
Adjunct research fellow, University of New England, NSW, Australia

Michael G. Sirilla, PhD
Professor of Systematic and Dogmatic Theology, Franciscan University of Steubenville

Professor Dr. Thomas Stark
Phil.-Theol. Hochschule Benedikt XVI, Heiligenkreuz

Rev. Glen Tattersall
Parish priest, Parish of Bl. John Henry Newman, archdiocese of Melbourne
Rector, St. Aloysius' Churchù

Giovanni Turco
Professor of the Philosophy of Public Law, University of Udine

Fr. Edmund Waldstein OCist.
Vice-Rector of the Leopoldinum seminary and lecturer in moral theology at the Phil.-Theol. HochschuleBenedikt XVI, Heiligenkreuz

Nicholas Warembourg
Professeur agrege des facultes de droit
Ecole de Droit de la Sorbonne - Universite Paris 1

Emmanuele Barbieri


1 komentar:

  1. Žalosno, ne vidim nikoga od domaćih uglednika...Kod nas je čini se najžešća bitka, a sva nam domovina natopljena krvlju mučenika i krvlju nerođene dječice..


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